Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing Strategy

Leverage AI to Increase the Efficiency and Efficacy of Your Marketing

From producing personalized content at scale to getting more insights out of your data, the marketing opportunities available with AI are significant. We offer a range of services that supercharge your team’s AI knowledge and build the foundation for your AI strategy. Combined with our deep digital marketing expertise and familiarity with AI-powered solutions, we partner with you to unleash your team’s potential.


Prepare your marketing team for an AI-powered world with the following services

AI Readiness Workshop

Understand the AI Landscape and Identify Opportunities for Your Organization

If your team has experimented with AI tools, but is not yet clear on how AI can be incorporated into day-to-day workflows or how to leverage AI to achieve strategic goals, there’s no time like the present to level up your knowledge. Whether your team is looking to increase efficiency in content creation, content atomization, marketing analysis, or marketing personalization, there are opportunities to integrate AI. But your team must also grapple with legal and compliance considerations, data and privacy concerns—not to mention skills training.

This workshop is an excellent next step to build your knowledge of how AI relates to your organization goals and audience needs. It will also start you on the path to identifying where to leverage AI in your daily marketing operations to gain efficiency.

Get answers to
these questions
  • What are the applications of AI technology in a marketing context, and what are the key considerations I must take into account?

  • How can AI be integrated into my organization’s tool stack, operations, and strategy?

  • How can a team that’s not 100% ready to build an AI practice still plan for the future and prove to our leadership we’re thinking ahead?
  • What to expect
    from this workshop
  • An accelerated program, delivered virtually, designed to ensure your marketing team is well-versed in the lexicon of AI and its strategic possibilities, in the context of your business

  • A low-barrier commitment ($ and time) to begin to set up your team for future AI growth

  • A professional development opportunity for staff, as being an AI-educated marketer with the in-demand skill set for future positions
  • How we deliver
    and customize
  • Planning meeting: We uncover your specific use cases, assess your team’s current level of understanding, and discuss your goals

  • Live 2-hour virtual workshop: You receive all presentation materials and a recorded version of the training

  • Follow-up action plan: This is based on outcomes discussed during the workshop and includes written next steps for the team to continue evolving
  • AI Maturity Map

    Get a Complete Assessment of your AI Maturity & Recommendations for Growth 

    Becoming a fully-fledged AI-integrated marketing organization doesn’t happen overnight. It takes strategic planning, operational changes, hiring and training, and data organization and implementation. With so many different areas to address, building a roadmap can feel daunting. That’s where a maturity map can give your organization clarity. 

    Not only does our AI maturity map help you to identify where you are now—in terms of the sophistication of your team’s skills and your organization’s operations—but it also lays out what best-in-class looks like across five levels. We also give you a game plan for advancing your team’s maturity, based on your organizational goals (and constraints), with specific recommendations around the strategic and tactical actions with the most ROI.

    Your questions that
    will be addressed
  • What are my opportunities with AI both now and in the future?

  • Where are our competitors, or greater industry, in terms of integration of AI into their efforts?

  • What are our best opportunities to integrate AI into our current marketing operations and strategic planning?

  • What does best-in-class usage of AI look like for an organization like mine?
  • What to expect
    from this project
  • Review of current digital marketing operations, channels, and capabilities to assess AI opportunities and impact

  • Recommendations on how to advance at least one level on the maturity map from current state, based on ROI and highest value opportunities for your organization

  • Assessment of competitive landscape and audience implications to ground the business case for your team and organization

  • Concise listing of action items for the next 60 days, that will give your organization a jump-start to gain momentum

  • AI tool recommendations, based on your organization’s recommended roadmap, budget, skills, and maturity
  • How we deliver the
    AI maturity map
  • Planning meeting: We uncover your specific use cases, assess your team’s current level of understanding, and learn your organizational goals

  • Written maturity map: Includes five-stage assessment, customized to your industry considerations; current competitive and audience considerations; recommendations for up-leveling your organization’s AI maturity

  • Action plan: Written next steps for your team to prioritize your game plan and track progress

  • Formal presentation and Q&A session
  • World-Class AI Speakers

    In addition to our highly-regarded team of strategists, Convince & Convert is connected to a wide network of key opinion leaders who speak at events and create custom content on the topic of AI. If you are looking for an AI expert to partner with your company for a future event or campaign, let us know.


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