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How to Use Video at Every Stage of the Sales Cycle with Vidyard – Demo

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Marketing Marvels is the place to discover amazing new marketing technology that will improve your social media, content marketing, digital marketing and beyond. Hosted by Jay Baer, President of Convince & Convert, Marketing Marvels features short demos of remarkable software platforms, view all prior shows.

This week on Marketing Marvels, I want to introduce you to Vidyard, an amazing video platform for engaging your audience.

Vidyard - How to Use Video at Every Stage of the Sales CycleThis week on Marketing Marvels, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Vidyard, one of our favorite technology platforms here at Convince & Convert.
Vidyard is an all-in-one video platform for business, marketing and sales. For business, it enables you to quickly and easily share videos with your team. For marketing, it helps you capture the attention of buyers with interactive CTAs and personalization. And for sales, it empowers you to record and send videos to prospects, so you close more deals faster. Amazing!
We love using Vidyard here at Convince & Convert, and I think you will too.
Here to walk us through how it all works is Tyler Lessard, VP Marketing at Vidyard. I’m a big fan of the video platform and the brilliant team behind it, and I’m thrilled that Tyler is here to show it to you. Enjoy!

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Hey everybody. It’s Jay Baer from Convince & Convert. Welcome to another episode of MarketingMarvels where I show you marketing software and tools that I believe you should adopt in your own business. And I am pumped up that our guest on today’s show is the one the only Tyler Lessard who is the VP marketing of one of my favorite technology companies out there, a tool that I actually use all the time in my own business at Convince Convert. He is with Vidyard. Tyler, welcome to MarketingMarvels.


Thank you so much for having me, Jay. It’s great to be here and great to have you as a user and a customer. Appreciate that.


We’ve been working on these kinds of things together for a long time now and it’s remarkable to me the growth of your business and the addition of all the new features which we’ll look at some of these today on the program. I just feel like you guys have a tiger by the tail over there.


Yeah. It’s such an exciting market. We’re in this space of video and video technology and what really started off as this idea of how do we help marketers align their video content strategy with their marketing goals and we’ll touch on that in a little bit. But it’s really evolved these days to being about how do we enable businesses to use video more effectively and more strategically. And that has so many different parts to it when you look at ways marketers and sellers are using it. So it’s a really fun problem to be solving right now.


And I think you said an important thing there Tyler, about using video more strategically because anybody watching the show understands the idea of creating a video to generate awareness at the top of the funnel.




Somebody who doesn’t know me, I’m going to make a video and now more people know me. And those videos might realistically go on YouTube, which ironically is why this video, you might be watching it on YouTube right now. But that’s not the whole story, that’s not the only game. One of the things that you and I worked on together in the past is about leadership around, look, you have a consideration funnel, whatever your business is, you’ve got awareness, you’ve got interest, you’ve got consideration, you’ve got trial, you’ve got purchase, you’ve got advocacy, all of those six, five, six steps, whatever you say, you have in your business. You can and I would argue should create videos for each of those steps in the funnel and that’s not a YouTube thing.


Yeah. No, absolutely. I think the way to think about it these days is that every one of those stages there is messaging and content and communications that you’re doing as part of those stages. And I think traditionally as businesses, we’ve stepped back and always thought about, “Hey, that equals text-based emails and written blog posts and static documents.” And more and more now video is just becoming unexpected medium, a natural medium. It’s easier to create, which is great for all of us, it’s more engaging for the audiences and I think businesses just need to start thinking about that is video is a bigger, better, bolder way to deliver those messages, to communicate that content at every one of those stages. Whether it’s again, generating awareness through interest and excitement or education, whether it’s supporting that consideration stage with hyper educational video content or right down into closing a deal with video based customer stories to how you onboard people.


So there’s so much opportunity and the great thing is audience expectations for what video is have dramatically changed over the last few years. They’re not expecting the Super Bowl commercial anymore. You don’t need to go out and buy drones to create your next video-


[inaudible 00:03:32] MarketingMarvel show. But yes you don’t have to have a drone. Yeah.


So like things we’re doing here, casual, honest, authentic content is really winning throughout the buyer’s journey right now and that’s what people need to start thinking about.


It was interesting what you said there about this idea of using video when you need to get hyper-specific [inaudible 00:03:52] in the consideration funnel, right? This is the type of time when typically you enable your sales team with some sort of really detailed spec sheets or use case scenarios or customer case studies, testimonials, all those kinds of things that people have to kind of check that box before they sign off on a contract. Video can be used for all of those things and perhaps more persuasively and effectively. But here’s my observation Tyler and I presume you will agree, the key to doing that as an organization is to set aside this idea that the success of a video is based on the number of views of the video and instead realize that other than at the very top of the funnel, the success of the video is based on the persuasiveness of the video, right?


Does the video answer customer questions and encourage them to take the next step in their buyers journey? That’s the measure of success. Not did people share it or did a bunch of people look at it or even something like dwell time. You have to fundamentally re-examine what it means to make a successful video when you start to adopt the kind of thinking that Tyler and his team at Vidyard espouse.


Yeah. Well, it’s no different than any other type of content, right? And it’s the measure of success is did it generate the engagement or the conversion that it was intended to do? Right? And again, if it’s super top of funnel content, then maybe sharing and engagement and audience building is a measure of success. But if it’s that product demo video that’s going to convert somebody from an interest to active consideration stage, then your real measure of success there is, did that video help me convert a prospect from this stage to the next? Did it actually contribute to downstream pipelining? Those are the things we need to be thinking about. And some of that becomes this idea of narrow casting videos.


Some of these videos aren’t meant to be viewed by millions of people there. We could have 10 people watch this high value video and if five of them convert, as long as I didn’t spend a million bucks on it, right. [crosstalk 00:05:43] As long as the [inaudible 00:05:44] then it makes sense. So that’s absolutely the mentality we need to have now.


Speaking of product demos, let’s take a look at a at video. And I’m glad we’re doing this because it’s been a little bit since I have personally seen the full back end of the system and you’re adding features and functionality all the time. So I’m actually really excited to see it and ask you some questions on behalf of our MarketingMarvels fan base.


Okay, perfect. So I’m going to share my screen here, before I do, I will set the context of the baseline of what Vidyard is. [crosstalk 00:06:14]. The basic level we are a video hosting, sharing and analytics platform. So some of you may be using free tools like YouTube or Vimeo out there today which make it really easy to upload a video and to embed it on your website or in an outbound campaign. But we’ll talk through what some of the limitations and downsides are of those as hosting platforms. But that’s really where we start and then I’ll walk through some of the more advanced things that we do that allow you to really take it to the next level and turn videos into real demand gen machines.


So I’ve brought up here and I will warn you, this is our own live instance internally of Vidyard right here. So I’m not like-


This is real, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a pretend demo site. Yeah.


This is our real content here. So I’ll walk you through what you’re seeing here. So this is the main entry point into the Vidyard cloud-based video management solution. As you log into your Vidyard account, you are brought in to see your list of all the videos you’ve uploaded previously and there’s lots of things you can do here to manage your video library to see how things are going to check analytics and so on. But I’m going to walk you through the process from a new video and how does it work to upload it, to optimize it, publish and track it.


So here inside of the console… I’m actually in our product marketing group. You can see, I can actually set up a lot of different folders for my content so I can organize my videos differently if I have different teams contributing content makes it a lot easier to do those kinds of things. Now if I want to upload a new video that I’m going to publish, I simply create select new player and here’s where I drag my new video file up into here and I’m going to do the already baked in the oven mode here because we don’t want to sit and watch a video upload for several minutes.


So once your video gets uploaded, we give you a really simple way to manage all of the settings and defaults around that video. So what you would expect with typical content platforms. So I can set up my description, I can add tags, which can be used later on for filtering my content, for wanting reports on different types of videos as well as additional metadata when I use this viewing information for [inaudible 00:08:14] qualification. We’ll touch on that in a few minutes.


I can also from here, of course, I can select my thumbnail images, I can actually generate and add closed captions. So by default, we automatically transcribe the audio and give you a caption because every video should be captioned.




Which is a really important thing. So we automatically do that for you. You can go in and edit those captions, you can request additional captions in different languages and so on. So we make that really simple in the platform to make sure you’ve got those closed captions ready to go. From here, once your video… The core of your video is ready, now you are going to go in and optimize this video itself. So from here I can now set up things like interactive events on my videos. So we always like to say a video should never fade to black. What’s going to happen at the end of your video, right? We know if you’re using a platform like YouTube, if you’re using the free version and not paying attention, well you know what’s going to happen at the end of your video.


Here comes your competitors’ video [inaudible 00:09:14].


My competitor’s videos? So you have no control there and if you do use premium solutions from YouTube, you can have some control over what shows up there but it’s very limited in terms of your options and you usually have to just link to other videos in your channel or things like that. But with Vidyard you have full control over interactive events that can show up before, during, or after your video. So this video here, this is one example. This was our previous homepage explainer video. I’ll explain to you in a few minutes why it’s no longer our home page explainer. But here you can see it so I’m in my video, I can set up these different interactive events. I’m just going to hit play here so you can sort of preview the video itself. But over here I see the actual interactive events I’ve added.


So this one here is this little get a demo button which pops up about halfway through my video that somebody can click through if they’re engaged at that point before we’ve lost half of them. Which is one of the reasons we swap this one out because we saw on the data we’re losing half of them halfway through. So we put that in there to enable them to convert at that time. As you view a little bit longer, we have these popups that come out to allow you to select which you’re most interested in engaging with.


Next. And then we actually have what’s called the post roll call to action, which is what happens after the video ends. And that’s that pop up screen that then sits there and allows the user to take that next step. And for this video, we wanted to make it sort of a bit of a choose your own adventure. So once you’ve watched the video itself, you can select between, do you want to now learn more about our solutions for marketing, sales, coms, or support? And the great thing about these interactive events is they follow the video around no matter where it’s embedded. So when we put it on our homepage, if we put it on one of our partners sites, if it gets picked up in a blog post, people watching are always going to be able to interact with those calls to action and they’re all hyperlinked to go off and and engage more in our content.


Two quick questions on that Tyler.


[inaudible 00:11:06].


Those icons like secure comms, did you upload those as P&G’s or there’s a button maker in the tools?


Yeah. So we have tools that first of all make it really simple to get started. So we have a pre-configured library of [inaudible 00:11:23] the box calls to action. So you don’t have to do anything and you can actually go in and say, so here, if I wanted to add a different event to this, this is my library of interactive events that our design team has already created. So I can actually go in here and select any one of these to add to my video. If I want to create a new one, I can simply click new event and you can see here we’ve got these quick events, which are the defaults.


So if I just want to have a simple call to action at the end with a button, if I want to have an annotation pop-up during playback that slides up from the bottom, or maybe I want to have a form at the end to ask somebody for their email address for lead capture. Those can all be added with one click and you just customize the text or you can create something completely custom where you can actually customize it with HTML and JavaScript and create your own images and things like that. So it’s a simple to get started but powerful at scale when you want to do some really creative things.


Terrific. My other question on that was you gave, I think it was four choices of icons to click on there in that array. What can I do with that data if I know who that person is because they’ve already given me their email address, can I then write that to a record or maybe it’s their first visit to the site because I think you said this is on your homepage. So maybe they’re still anonymous, maybe all you have is IP address. What can you do with that selection to say, “Well, amongst the four things we’ve given them, we know that this particular potential customer is most interested in this. How can we use that downstream?”


Yeah. So let me walk through kind of what happens as somebody who’s actually viewing this content and I think that’ll answer your question. So somebody… That video can now be embedded anywhere on your website or third party pages. Each video also by default gets its own sharing page, which is a direct link to that video, much like a direct link on YouTube but the great thing is you’re sharing pages that are branded for your own company. This is what our own branded sharing pages look like at Vidyard. If this was one of your videos, Jay, you’d have the Convince & Convert logo up there and this page would look and feel like your own website.


So that’s a really nice, simple value [inaudible 00:13:27] is that all your videos have a default page that’s branded for you. So as somebody who’s actually watching through this video, you’ll see here… I’ll just mute that. So again, just to show you the experience, you can see the colors are customized for our brand, which is great. I’ll show you one of those calls to action as I’m watching here. This is where the little get a demo is about to pop up right there. So now that’s a nice little sort of [inaudible 00:13:51] I can click on that. And at the end of the video as noted, four different calls to action come up.


Now what’s just happened behind the scenes because this video has been embedded with Vidyard, is we are actually tracking who’s watching that video, how long they’re engaging, and then which of those different calls to action did they or didn’t they click on. And so if I was a site visitor here, it would now know that I watched the video, I watched the first part for a little bit, then I skipped ahead and then I skipped ahead to the end and I watched maybe only 15% of that video. I’m probably not a highly qualified lead at that point. But that data is going to sink back into my contact record.


Now if I am known in their marketing system, they may be using a HubSpot or a Marketo or a Salesforce that data will get pushed to my lead record so that information can be used for qualification, it could trigger an action and so on. And it could even go as far to say you watch less than half this video, so you go into a separate response that’s encouraging you to dive into some other content. So all those things are happening behind the scenes. If I’m an unknown person because it’s my first time to your website or I haven’t filled a form, it’s going to track that as an anonymous viewer. But every time I come back to your site, it’s going to pick up who I am and it’s going to keep building my viewing profile. And once I finally do fill out that form, that HubSpot or Marketo form, all those previous viewing actions are going to go into my record-


Flow into the record. Yeah.


Yeah. Very, very cool. So yeah. So that’s the basics of how that video is now going to play back on your site which is a good dovetail into the analytics side of things, Jay. So what you actually end up getting with Vidyard is a whole bunch of different analytics on your different videos as well as your overall library. And what’s really important for today’s marketers is not just knowing, to your point earlier, the number of views, right. Views are great and I can actually see here, this is a dashboard for our product marketing group, which is where that last video was. I can see… Or that specific video that I just showed you. Sorry. This is live data, I can see over the last 90 days is what I’m reporting on here that that video has been loaded 130,000 times. It had 6,000 views from those loads, from 5,300 unique people. And we know that just about 500 of them were identified. All the rest were anonymous people that have not yet been identified.


And you can see here about 30 days ago or about… Sorry, about 15 days ago, we actually swapped a new explainer up onto our homepage. And the reason for that was if you scroll down here, you see your actual viewer retention and you see how long people are staying on average and where they’re dropping off. And this video had been up on our site for a little while and we really felt great about the content, but as we kept revisiting this, we were just never satisfied with only half, 50% engagement. Which means, as you get through here, most people aren’t getting into the meat and they’re not getting to those calls to action at the end.


So this helped us understand that, first of all, we felt this video was a little bit too long. It was just over two minutes and we were trying to cram too much in-


[inaudible 00:16:44] me just stop you right there. How amazing is that? Right. Here is an explainer video about a video hosting platform and it’s two minutes long and that’s maybe a little too long, right? Isn’t that like the state of things right there, right? Like what we decided to do is replace the explainer video with a Tick Tock on the homepage because we needed it to be even shorter. It’s wild, right? Like you and I have had this conversation in other forums, it is crazy. Nobody ever had bad results for making the video too short.


Yeah. It’s a tough balance, right? Because we all want to educate our audience, we we’ve got so many things to tell but the reality is we really have to respect the time, the energy and the attention of our audience. And with video, it’s such a powerful medium, right? Like we all get that inherently because it allows you to show, it allows you to tell, it allows you to fuse emotion, it helps you connect in a more personal way, right? I could go on for this whole episode about just why video is such a powerful medium but at the same time we have to respect the fact that it is a linear medium and people are going to start watching and if they see like, “Oh my gosh, this is a five minute video,” they may choose the tune out simply because they’re not willing to invest that time.


So we really got to be smart about that and think about how do you chunk up your content, but to your point, analytics like this will actually tell you. They’ll help you know which videos are too long, maybe which ones are too short, right? 90% of people watching all the way to the end might not actually be a good thing. It might mean that… It might tell you, you can tell a lot bigger of a story there because people are staying engaged because you’re doing something right in that messaging.


When you look at a falloff graph like that a retention chart, do you look at… Because I’ve seen many, many, many of these graphs and I always wonder, it’s almost like Google analytics. Like okay, what’s good, right? I mean obviously you want more people to watch till the end that’s pretty self evident but do you say where’s the 50% line or where’s the middle of the video line? Like what is the actual… When you look at these and you do it all day long, how steep of that graph where you’re like, “Oh, that’s not as deep as I want it to be or vice versa.”


Yeah. So we actually produce a benchmark report annually based on all of the videos published through our platform across our entire customer base. So it’s hundreds of thousands of videos every year, millions and millions of views. And we actually look at it and we analyze for different lengths of videos what does it look like to be a average above average and below average in terms of engagement time. And what we’ve found time and time again in our own benchmark is that about 70% retention rate, which means generally speaking, the way you can think of it is about 70% of people make it to the end of your video. 70% of viewers make it all the way to the end. That’s like you’re more or less you’re gold standard. Like that’s what you want to reach for and our best performing videos are consistently between 70% to 75% retention.


Every once in a while we get that like 80% and we’re like high fives all around. Like [inaudible 00:19:46] that one. [crosstalk 00:19:47].


And yours is what, 40%, 35% here? Something like that?


Yeah. And it’s a little bit of a longer one. Right? And so it’s like this was… Yeah.As we looked at this, we say, you know what, this is just not where we think it needs to be and our new explainer, which is a just over a minute long is a about 65% right to the end-


Wow. Huge difference.


Which is much better. So there’s lots of things that you can pull from this and learn, which is interesting and use this data in lots of different ways. Okay. So from here, what I wanted to show you Jay is actually for those of you who were just about to tune out, you’re like, “I’m not sure where this is going.” Hold on because this is actually the most exciting part. So I now know my average engagement on this and then that’s great. So as a marketer it can help me improve my content, but it’s still not like an ebook where I’m like, “I know who downloaded or who watched it.” So I can’t really use the data behind the scenes. But with Vidyard we help you do that.


So if you click on this little see more button, which I’m going to do, but I’m actually going to show you the data from a different video because I don’t want to show you public email addresses here. This is an internal video that I sent out recently and so it’s only Vidyard employees that have watched it. Please don’t screen grab and spam all my employees come on.


There’s I like those [inaudible 00:21:06].


Yeah. So this shows you as I click into that video, this is all the people that were identified viewers and it shows you what they actually watched in this video. So you can see that Blakeup here only watched for the first couple of seconds. Green means they watched that part of the video once, gray means they didn’t watch that part of the video and it’s basically a linear scale. So Sydney watched the video all the way to the end and so on. And as you mentioned, there’s actually, which is because we knew their domain, but we didn’t have that person individually cookied as a known user, but we knew they were from Vidyard. So later on with reporting we can include that in account based data about Vidyard if you will. You can see this individual down here yellow means they watched that portion two times. So they went back and watched that spot.


So this data’s kind of cool to look at and you can kind of geek out on it, on the screen here, but the real purpose is we then take that information and push it directly into your marketing and sales tools. So a HubSpot, a Salesforce and Marketo, the tools where you’re maintaining information about your audience and who’s engaging in what. So Jimmy Gagnon here who watched the video, about 80%, 90% of the way through that will be pushed into his… In our case, we use Marketo record and that we could then be used for lead scoring. So we could say, if somebody watches my explainer or my product demo more than halfway through, give them 100 points or immediately flip them to a sales rep for a conversation.


And we do exactly that for our onsite demos. If you go to one of our main CTS is watch a three minute demo. And when you watch that demo, if you watch a certain percentage of it, you’ll immediately get flipped to a sales rep for follow up because they know you’re qualified, you’re engaged, you’re educated and they want to speak with you. But if you only watch for 10 seconds and then bail, you’re going to get put into an automated nurture because it’s not efficient use of our time for a rep to follow up with you.


And that general idea of like engagement based qualification I think is super cool, right? Whether it’s video or other content because now you can actually figure out who are my most engaged prospects and let’s focus our efforts on them and the other ones, let’s make sure that we’re nurturing them accordingly.


I mean, nobody has limitless sales resources, so the more that you can use those resources effectively the better off you’re going to be.


Yeah. So I’m not going to show you inside of the marketing automation tools because it’s different depending on the tool, but what I will show you just like super quick is what that data looks like inside of Salesforce. I’m pulling up this is a bit of a dummy record here you can probably see it’s Tony Stark, Iron Man, genius billionaire philanthropists. So Tony Stark has a contact in Salesforce-


Are you a fan?


Yes. And it’s actually me. I’ve a bit of an ego I like to call myself Iron Man here. So that’s my [inaudible 00:23:45]. But you can see inside of Salesforce here, we actually push in there’s this new video views. And if I hover over that, or if I click into it, I actually see this is the list of all videos this individual has watched. I can see what the video-


And how much they’ve watched and the percentage they’ve watched. Incredible.


That’s right… Percentage and seconds. So as a sales rep, I also get all this data at my fingertips so I know what they’ve been engaging with and I can tailor my conversations or my qualification accordingly. So those are a lot of the… I know I talked through a lot of different things there I’ll just kind of go back to the pretty one which is the insights chart to recap the main things I showed you here. We started with that content management of just making it a lot easier as you scale your user video to manage your content, to customize the playback experience, the ability to add interactive events and calls to action so you can drive conversions directly from your videos, the ability to track insights on your videos, both views and engagement, but as well as who’s watching which videos, how long are they engaging in that content and using those insights in your marketing and CRM for lead qualification as well as reporting back on which videos are actually helping to drive the most leads and revenue for our business.


So those are kind of the key aspects of that main video hosting optimization and analytics side. Did you have any more burning questions about that side of the house Jay, that-


No, just an observation that it’s so incredibly powerful to know who watched what video and for how long and in what sequence. It makes you wonder, and this is obviously a little bit of a straw man argument, but it makes you wonder why we’re making web pages at all or eBooks or any other formats because I can’t… If you download an ebook, I know you downloaded it, but that’s about all I know. And that’s better than knowing nothing but boy, no one exactly how far are you read the ebook or how long you watched the video is a much better information for your sales team.


So it’s just gotten me thinking a little bit about, hey, maybe some things that we don’t use video for now we should use video for in the future for no other reason that we get better analytics. But at the same time, not only do we get better analytics, but it’s also a more persuasive and effective, right? I mean there’s many, many, many studies including some from Vidyard and a lot of other people that show that head to head video is typically more waste of than any other form of content. And so it’s like, well, let’s see. It’s more persuasive and I learn more, therefore my sales team is more efficient and effective. I’m like, huh, seems like kind of a good idea.


Yeah. Well that’s why we’re in the business Jay. You’re absolutely right. I mean it’s honestly using video effectively I think of as it really is a win win scenario. Your audience is often better off because they can consume the content in a way that’s quicker and more valuable, more interesting and more resonant. And then you as a marketing and sales team get the benefit of a more educated audience, but also the richer analytics and the true second-by-second engagement in your content. I’m not going to get up here and say you should only do video, it’s not the time for that. But I think more and more it’s about knowing you could do those kinds of things, how would that change the way that you do things?


And it’s funny you mentioned it in that way, Jay, because a little while ago we started creating more and more videos that were intentionally qualification videos, right? Like they were being made and sometimes we intentionally made longer form videos purely as qualifiers because we wanted to see who was sticking around over-


Yeah. How interested are you. Yeah.


Yeah. So we’d sometimes say, “Should this video be shorter,” and sometimes we go, “You know what, let’s make this one longer.” Because if it’s a 10 or 15 minute educational video, and we could zero in on the people that are staying tuned all the way, those are the people we know are our potential buyers. So some really crazy things that you can do there. I got one last thing. I’m going to do this [inaudible 00:27:26] one last thing here Jay and is the other side of the house of creating and sharing videos within your organization or with customers. And one of the other tools we’ve become pretty well known for is our Chrome and Gmail extension that enables people to really easily record and send a one-to-one videos.


So I think I’ve got that loaded over here somewhere. So I’m just going to really quickly show you and we often see this used in sales and product marketing teams and others. The idea of this tool really quickly show you here inside of Chrome you can see I’ve got this little Vidyard button. It’s a free extension you install it. And when I click on the little Vidyard button, right from here I can record a new video… How’s my camera doing double thing. This [inaudible 00:28:13] seems to be working.


So I can record my browser tab, I can record my full screen or I can just do a camera only recording. And so this allows me to do a quick screen capture video, a quick one-to-one video if I wanted to just send somebody a video message. And what’s really great is as soon as it’s recorded, the video is ready to be shared. You don’t have to upload an MP4 or anything like that it’s sitting on its own branded page, much like the other videos in your Vidyard platform are. And if I’m a sales rep or somebody communicating externally, it’s literally one click inside of your email where I can go, Oh, the little video button and I see all my videos I’ve recorded, this is the most recent one. So I simply say, I want to send Jay this video here. And it’s as easy as that. Once it’s recorded, you just click the little button… I’m looking a little stern there I’m not sure why Jay. It looks like… I think he must’ve done something wrong.


It’s always my fault.


It’s one of those ones. Yeah. So I’m going to just tease that one out there as that last piece-


It’s incredible. I’ve got to tell you and this is the truth. I use it every single day. I use it for my team, I use it for my kids, I use it for my wife. Every time somebody fills out a lean form on my to have me come give a presentation somewhere, I go to the website of that conference or the association of the company who wants to potentially hire me. I instantly within seconds, create one of these videos with my face on top of their webpage, send it back and say, “Thanks very much, I’m super pumped. I’d love to be your keynote speaker.” And the conversion rate on that is really, really high because it’s so high touch and demonstrates that I’m paying attention and things like that. And it is just as Tyler demonstrated it is clicking a button. It is clicking one button in your Chrome browser and talking into your computer and then clicking another button. That is the sum total of the capacity needed to make those videos. It is really, really powerful and literally couldn’t be easier.


So Jay, I’ll wrap up my part there with an emphasis that there’s like incredibly powerful tools here that you guys have seen. But recently we’ve made sure that literally everybody who wants to take advantage of the basic features here can get started. We have free versions of both the video hosting as well as the recording and sending tool that you saw there. They’re both unlimited in terms of the number of videos you can upload and create and host in the platform. The free versions are… They have some limitations of course on the level of functionality that you get, a lot of the deep analytics and things like that are reserved for the business platforms we still need to make our money, but there’s lots of great ways people can get started for free and you can just head to to check those out or check on our pricing page.


I wanted to quickly, if you don’t mind Jay, we just have like two minutes left here, but I wanted to flip it back to you, you’ve provided some good insight as we’ve gone here, but now that you’ve kind of been refreshed on what we’re doing here, would you mind if I asked you, like, what do you think about where we’re at with Vidyard and what kind of value do you see as the biggest piece of the solutions for-


Sure. Yeah, I’ll do my best. It’s interesting… I think it’s incredible that you have a free platform and I’ve seen some of those tools in action and it really is quite robust. So even if you’re like, you know what, we’re not really ready to write checks to do this, we’re still not positive that video is something that we want to be that serious about. The free tools give you a lot of capabilities to really get your feet wet with video throughout the consideration funnel. So I certainly recommend that you go to and and give it a shot. You’ll be really impressed by that.


It’s nice of Tyler and team to make those available. But I think Tyler is like we were saying a moment ago, what is my instantaneous reaction is that a lot of things that you reflectively don’t create video for because you just haven’t habitually created video for those things or those use cases or those pieces of information in those circumstances in the past it’s like, well, if it’s that easy to create a video and is that easy to host a video and you get far superior analytics, it really makes me rethink a lot of assumptions that I’ve had for 30 years as a marketer about what is a video and what is not a video. And instead of saying, okay, well how we’ve done this for a long, long time, which is let’s look for circumstances where a video might work. Maybe we flipped the script on that and we say, “What are the circumstances where a video isn’t the best approach?” Right?


We’re almost 180 degree difference and say video becomes the default communication modality. And then if for some reason video isn’t going to work, we do something else. Right? And that’s a more of a thought exercise than an action commandment to MarketingMarvels viewers out there or anybody else. But I think there really is a lot of merit to that to say, well, what if you could only make videos? What if the only way you could educate, inform, persuade, and create advocacy amongst customers and prospects with video, the reality is today with these kinds of tools and the ridiculous increases in video consumption worldwide, that’s not that far fetched of a premise, right? To say, “Well, what if it was all video?” Of course, it’s not all video, even Tyler would acknowledge you should only use video, but I think it’s a really interesting perspective to come from in your own marketing to say, “Well, what if we thought that way?”


Right? It’s almost like some of the things we do in our businesses, we do customer service consulting with clients. We say, “Well, what if… Imagine this? What if there were no telephones?” Because eventually, fundamentally, we’ll still have them. Just no one will use them. Right? And so that day is coming like that there’s no question that day is coming, right? The people who love phones are going to be dead and then what? Right? And we didn’t touch on that in this episode of MarketingMarvels, Tyler but there’s also a huge demographic element to this, right? I mean I have two kids they are both in college and they don’t read stuff, they’re super are smart. They are college in scholarships and all that jazz, but they do not want to. If I say, “Hey, here’s a long article in whatever about whatever.” They’re like, [inaudible 00:34:21] Nope.”


But if it’s, “Here’s a video about this same thing called [inaudible 00:34:25].” I mean it’s just that there’s a modality preference there that’s rooted in physiology and the amount of screens that you grew up with that is inescapable and in arguable. So today, all you folks out there, younger people, millennials, gen Z may not be your target audience, but eventually that will be your target audience regardless of what business you’re in. So from my way of thinking as a marketer and a strategist, I’d want to be in front of that curve, not behind it. And to get in front of that curve, that means more videos and more circumstances for more people.


I love it, Jay. I am absolutely and absolutely agree and I think just my emphasis on that point is as you start doing it, like anything, right? It feels unnatural at first it feels inefficient, but once you get into the habit of it and to your point, you say, “Hey, let’s plan to include videos.” And maybe the video isn’t the hero of each of these campaigns. Maybe it starts as a supporting actor and and there’s something just simple with a webcam you’re recording, but as you do it more and more and I can be a testament to it here at Vidyard and how we do our things over the last few years we’ve just made it habitual and it becomes so easy so natural and frankly, I prefer to record a video now than to write a long form post-




Because once you get good at it, it’s faster, it’s more interesting, but practice makes perfect like with anything. So just get calling.


Amazing. Super excited to have you here Tyler. Thank you so much for showing us all the amazing new things going on at Vidyard. Folks, don’t forget This has been MarketingMarvels from Convince & Convert. Tune into our other shows as well, which are not sadly video, although some of them are. The Talk Triggers Show is video, Social Pros Podcast, and our new shows, Standing Ovation all about professional speaking check those [inaudible 00:36:13] Tyler, thanks so much for being here. Congratulations on all the success. We’ll be watching you.


Thank you very much.


Take care.

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